Ownership Transfers - MR13B and MR13C

If you are a Registered Motor Vehicle Trader you are legally obligated to complete a change of ownership within 7 days of buying or selling a vehicle. With MotorWeb you can do this in seconds!

Save time, effort and cost when complying with a legislative requirement!

Buying - MR13C Trader Network Transfers

With just a click of the mouse you can transfer a vehicle into the trader network. No forms - No pen or paper - No posting - No hassles!

Vehicle details are directly sourced from the MotorWeb system, eliminating common legibility issues, incorrect vehicle details and transfers being performed on the wrong vehicles.

What is an MR13C?

An MR13C is a transaction that officially puts the vehicle into the 'Trader Network' making it exempt from Continuous Vehicle Licensing (CVL). This means the vehicle's license can expire (and remain expired for up to 2 years) without you having to pay fees for the time the vehicle was unlicensed when you eventually re-license the vehicle.

Selling - MR13B Change of Ownership

Complete a change of ownership with the NZTA in the convenience of your office. This will instantaneously update the vehicle's ownership records in the Government registries.

Provide your customers with a true sense of ownership and ensure that they are legally responsible for the vehicle before it leaves the yard.

Consumers today demand instant gratification - now you can give it to them!


No more offsite trips to complete paperwork or time wasted sorting speeding and parking fines for vehicles you've sold weeks ago.

All changes of ownership transactions are securely stored online for instant recall, making your bookkeeping a breeze.

What is an MR13B?

An MR13B is a transaction that officially puts the vehicle into the customer's name making them the "Registered Owner". They will then receive parking and speeding fines and be liable for any licensing fees.

"Processing vehicles used to take days, now it takes minutes!"


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